Contact Us

Contact Us

Contact Us

We're here to connect you to our farmer partners through products and stories, to work together to create lasting social and economic change through Authentic Fair Trade. We do this through excellent and personal customer service that builds lasting relationships between you, our team and our farmer partners. We'd love to hear from you!


Customer Service

Call: (774) 776-7366
Hours: M–F 7:30am-5:30pm EST

Quick Links:

Shipping & Returns


Grocery & Cafe Inquiries

Call: (774) 776-7333
Hours: M-F 9:00am - 5:00pm EST

Equal Exchange's coffees, teas, chocolates, fresh produce and other fair foods are available to grocery stores, food co-ops, cafes, restaurants, universities, and offices. If you're interested in selling our products at your business, we'd love to hear from you. To get started, fill out our inquiry form.




Tel: (774) 776-7400
Fax: (508) 587-0088
50 United Drive, West Bridgewater, MA 02379


Tel: (503) 847-2000
3401 SE 17th Ave, Portland, OR 97202


Tel: (440) 945-4700
23400 Aurora Road, Unit #4, Bedford Heights, OH 44146

CANADA / La Siembra Co-op

Tel: +1 (613) 235-6122
250 City Centre Ave, Ottawa, ON K1R 6K7

UNITED KINGDOM / EE Wholesale (UK) Ltd

Tel: 0345 258 5331
Unit 5e Southwick Ind.Estate, Sunderland, SR5 3TX

“Thank you. You guys are terrific—the team effort is part of what makes shopping for our church such a blessing.”

–Susan J., Cherokee Village United Methodist Church, AR

–Susan J., Cherokee Village United Methodist Church, AR